First, we have our butterfly. After a long wait of watching the caterpillar eat and grow, turn into a chrysalis and hang on our fence for several weeks, we were rewarded today. Our lowly monarch butterfly emerged on this very wet and rainy day. Hopefully its wings will finish drying over night and it can fly away tomorrow. We are so glad we got to see it though. Hopefully our friend will now give us a few more caterpillars.
Sidney also lost a tooth since the last post. She lost the other bottom tooth. The Tooth Fairy had a little trouble this time because Sidney dropped it down the drain while washing the blood that was "squirting" from the tooth off.
We spent the weekend a few weeks ago with our good friends, Kevin, Dawn and William at their beach house on Bolivar Island. It was cool that weekend but we still had a very relaxing time. Sidney can enjoy the beach whatever the weather. Kirk also had the opportunity to take some picture of the lighthouse on Bolivar as well as of one of the ferries that transports cars and people between Galveston and Bolivar.
Finally, a bit of Sidney's latest work. The child is apparently desperate for snow. So sorry to disappoint her.