The crazy is normal.
We are always on
the run.
Sidney has been
invited to participate in the Duke TIP program based on her 6th grade STAAR
test scores. She had a nearly perfect score in
reading. STAAR is the Texas standardized test.
Because of this she
will take the SAT on December 3.
The test is both to
give her experience and to identify any opportunities to support her
development on an accelerated or unique way.
Don't know what
will happen after the test, maybe nothing, but anxious to find out.
Sidney also did a
Halloween recital where she played the piano and sang.
I was so proud I
almost burst. It's a lot more work to add singing to
piano playing and it was truly lovely.
She has a beautiful

I completed the last race in my Spartan trifecta. 14 plus miles and 35 very difficult obstacles. One of the hardest things I've done. The distance and obstacles also not with life's challenges that limit training made it pretty darn hard.
Time was right at 5
hours. I was 28 of 211 women in age group, 1671 of 5102 overall and 312 of 1617 women. Hardest obstacle was the wade, swim,
trudge through at least a 1/2 a mile if deep, muddy, fish filled water with
unseen stumps and boulders. I took off my shins and encountered far
too many both live and dead fish.
It was awful.
Second worst was
the sandbag carry. Normally one of my favorites but this
was on a serious hill well after the half way point. Up was super difficult and
down was dangerous. I came down with the sand bag on my lap
like a crab. It worked, I lived.
Other obstacles were
typical walls, hay walks, swamp crossing, rolling mud, a frame cargo net, log
hop, tire flip, atlas carry, bucket carry, farmers carry, rope climb, monkey
bars, balls and hoops you had to swing across, Spartan sled, herc hoist,
inverted wall, multi carry, plate drag, javelin, dunk wall, slip fall, fire
jump and at least 5 or 6 I have either forgotten or don't want to remember.
One that I don't
remember the name of but I succeeded at and was proud of myself is the one
where you have to pull yourself along the rope underneath with your legs locked
over the rope. It's at an incline and you have to pull yourself up to the bell.
I needed a lift
getting on. I couldn't reach it even jumping.
When I went to let
go I did let my feet go first but then I shot up while trying to let go.
It was funny.
The morning after the race Sidney made me breakfast in bed. It was very sweet. An English muffin, apple and cup of tea. She loves to give me food gifts.

Sidney made dessert one night. She is in an elective called FCS which we would have called Home Ec. They learned how to make Apple Pan Betty. She made it one night and insisted on washing the dishes by hand. But she put the sink plug in upside down and we couldn't get it out. We had to bail the water in the sink so I could finally pry it out. Her desert was very good and the cleanup entertaining. I also tried making ribs. I can make a few improvements but I think they were very good for my first try.
I came down with
shingles right after the race. I felt awful during the race and slid
steadily down hill to misery. A lot of pain and discomfort on the
right front and back of my chest.
It wasn't fun and I
was exhausted, overwhelmed, and discouraged.
Several people at
church brought Sidney and I meals which really helped.
The thought of
cooking or shopping was more than I could deal with.
I seem to be
progressing towards getting better slowly but surely.

We had another swim
meet this weekend. Sidney swam 9 events in the two days.
Most of them back to back. She ate a ton in between and after.
A few personal
bests but mostly an average meet.
We went shoe shopping
after the swim meet on Saturday.
Sidney took my
tennis shoes, rascal. She also needed some decent shoes to
wear with her dresses on the cruise over Thanksgiving.
I wouldn't let her
wear tennis shoes. We were trying on the same shoes and
then fighting over who would get them.
Seriously. She has
4 inches to grow before she is as tall as I am.
Sidney came down with
some yuck during and after the swim meet.
She had a fever but
tested negative for strep and flu.
She was miserable
for several days but seems to be on the mend after sleeping 15 hours on Monday
We head out for a
Disney cruise to the Bahamas on Friday.
We'll be gone a
week and are going with friends.
We are both looking
forward to fun and down time. We'll see how long it takes me to
chill.....My friends think my idea of vacation is different. I normally have to pack my own towel and toilet paper and sometimes food. Any everything for any possible situation that might arise while away from civilization.
Have a very Happy
Thanksgiving. Remember what is important and who you