The long planned trip to Washington DC finally happened and this is the long awaited post....very long awaited. Sorry

We left for DC on Saturday after a swim meet. Everything went OK so we got to the airport with plenty of time and not to much stress. Our efficiency flew out the window, or actually off the runway, once we got to the airport. A Southwest plane had skid off the runway earlier in the morning, the only open runway at the SA airport. The airport was closed for 4 hours before they got permission from the FAA to open a runway that was under construction. We could still see the plane stuck in the mud at the end of the now closed runway. We were delayed about 4 hours which was actually OK as at least our flight came and went. Many flights were cancelled. We made it to DC at about midnight. Our sweet friend was waiting for us at the airport and got us to her home and into bed.
Supreme Court Spiral Stairs |
We got up late on Sunday and just relaxed a little before we headed to the National Zoo. It was a nice mid day visit and we enjoyed catching up with Regina and the kids. Bill went to work for a while and caught up with us later. We bought a few snacks for at the zoo including some sunflower seeds. At some point I spat some of my shells out in the mulch and Sidney asked me what I was doing. I told her and she looked surprised. Apparently she had been chewing them up and swallowing them. We got a great laugh out of that.
We stopped at an international grocery store on the way home. We got shrimp chips, cheese, carrots, seaweed, lychees, and hummus for dinner. Rather eclectic. We played Apples to Apples after dinner until the fire flies came out. Sidney and the kids as well as the two dogs went out to catch some and just play for a while. It was really fun to watch. We still had some catching up on sleep to do so we went to bed pretty early.
Mouse in the trash |
After a solid nights rest we headed for the bus. We took the express from our friend's house down to the Pentagon, which would be our route everyday. Everyone on the bus was super nice and we got to know a few riders while we were there. From the Pentagon we got another bus to the mall. Our priority for the day was the Air and Space Museum. We were early though so we headed for the Capital followed by the Supreme Court and Library of Congress. We could not go up to the Court on the day we were there and I had not gotten tickets to go to the House or Senate so we will have to do those next time. We did get to see the cool spiral staircases in the Supreme Court building.

On our way back down to the Air and Space Museum we stopped at the Smithsonian Botanical Garden. It was cool because there are different themes throughout by both area, like continent or climate, and also by say medicinal or poisonous. We had to walk through a couple of areas twice because they were so interesting.
Air and Space was awesome. This was the part on the mall. It was packed though. School was still in but there were plenty of class trips. We were finished being social by the time we headed home again. As we were still newbies on the bus, I asked for guidance several times and every time people were so very nice, bus drivers included.

After we got home we went with Regina to take her son to the chiropractor. He wrestles and does Marshall Arts and had hurt his back. The chiropractor brings 4 or 5 patients in at one time. They all go to separate rooms for pre-treatment, like hot pads or ultrasounds, before seeing the chiropractor. The chiropractor then sees each patient individually but all in one room, in the order they finish their pretreatment. Family members can sit back in that room too and everyone watches whoever is in front of them. We watched three patients before Regina's son. It was interesting. The chiropractor uses traditional methods and it was pretty cool. He also brings his dog too work. It was quite an experience and I wasn't even the patient.
After the chiropractor we went home and ate pasta for dinner and then hung out and let the kids play.
Pentagon 9/11 Memorial |
Regina joined us for the day. We went to every monument on the National Mall. I had not see MLK or WWII. All of the memorials were beautiful and special. My favorite remains the Roosevelt Monument. There were a number of WWII veterans at the WWII memorial and that was really neat.
From the Mall we went up and walked by the White House before settling back along the mall for a snack lunch. I can't remember what we had but after we ate I took the trash to the trash can. When I threw the trash in I was greeted by three mice (at least three and they weren't blind). It seems they climbed up the outside of the trash can which was like grating but couldn't get out again because the inside was just slick plastic. They were trying to jump out but couldn't jump high enough. To say the least I was taken by surprise and might have yelped. Sidney loved them on site of course. Before we wandered off she found some branches to put in the can so they could climb out.
Air Force Memorial |
After lunch we headed over to the Holocaust Museum. We did not have tickets but we could at least look at the parts where you don't need tickets. There are only so many tickets available each day because it is so popular. We were fortunate though to actually get tickets for 3 pm that day.
The museum is amazing but also heart breaking. I cannot understand how humans can treat other humans so badly. The museum was well done with each floor dedicated to a different section of the Nazi era. The top floor was dedicated to the political and socioeconomic climate that led up Hitler taking control. The second floor was about the pre-war and war era. The bottom floor was about the postwar and people who significantly and positively helped the plight of the Jews.
The museum is at the same time heartbreaking and informative. It is very well done and I desperately hope it can contribute to ensuring an atrocity like the Holocaust will never be allowed to happen again.
Dinner was leftover pasta with an attempt at nachos and queso. Regina tried to make the queso from scratch with cheddar cheese, milk and some spices but it was a struggle to get the right consistency and flavor. It wasn't bad and was very stringy but was fun to eat.
After dinner the kids went out to play again. Sidney had fun poking at me friends son until he tickled her and wrestled her until she dropped. It was good for her to have someone to wrestle with besides me. My friend's son is easily three times Sidney's weight so she had to work to stay remotely not flattened. The kids also played softball out side with our friends dad. Our friend's daughter threw a wild pitch that hit Sidney in the side of her face and gave her a good bump and bruise. Sidney wasn't even playing....
We started our day at the Pentagon September 11 memorial. It was a truly beautiful memorial with a tree, a bench and a small water feature for everyone killed either on the plane or at the Pentagon that day. It was all laid out according to age with the oldest killed at the farthest back and the youngest set close the entrance. The name of each individual was on the bench and any family members were killed also were listed in the water underneath. Again another heartbreaking memory but a beautiful tribute.
We wanted to walk to Arlington but I couldn't see an easy or safe way even though it was quite close. Went back to the bus stop and found a bus that would take us closer. The driver offered to take us to the top of the nearby hill so we could walk down and so we could also see the Air Force Memorial. It was a beautiful view of the city as well and a great place to watch planes and the air traffic associated with the White House.
We started walking down to Arlington Cemetery and we quickly ran into navigational difficulties. I still could not find a safe way to get to the front entrance. So we started around the back long way. We stopped at a gate that was open to ask about options and they said we could actually walk in through that gate. We had our bag searched and a metal detector and we were on our way. It was very convenient and nice of them to help us out.
Kennedy Tomb |
We visited all the expected sites including the Tomb of the Unknown to watch the Changing of the Guard and the eternal flame at Kennedy's grave. One thing we noticed is that many of the wives of service members are inscribed on the back of their spouses grave stone. I had also forgotten just how big Arlington National Cemetery is.
After Arlington we walked across the Potomac and most of the length of the mall to the Natural History Museum. It was another fabulous museum with all sorts of interesting things, including the enormous Hope Diamond. There was also the hall of strange things.

Thursday was departure day. We went to IHOP with Regina for old times sake and then took the dogs for a nice walk in the woods. After we were all packed up, we headed to the other half of the Air and Space Museum out at Dulles Airport. Since it is away from town it wasn't nearly as crowded. And it was amazing. So many unique and one of a kind planes along with historic aircraft like Discovery and the Enola Gay. I could have spent many more hours there. It was a wonderful way to end our trip.
We headed home that evening and got home in time to get Stormy and also to get ready for work on Friday.
Old Car Club at Air and Space |
On Friday when I got to work, the most experienced member of my team walked in with a Starbuck's for me. She set it on my desk, closed the door, sat down and said she was retiring. Although very happy for her, I was devastated. Her and her husbands retirement were going to really impact the team. They have been with Marathon 26 years. At the time of writing this, I finally have found someone to fill the vacant role. The new person won't start until October....
We had a lovely send off for my team member and her husband. We went out for a nice meal and had a nice party for them. A lot of other retirees and people from Houston came over. It was a fitting send off for two really special and amazing people.
Little Lizard |
Sidney headed to Blue Print the following week. She worked inside this year on replacing a ceiling. Her lack of stature provided some challenges but she was always positive and helped by cleaning and spending time with the home's resident. As last year, she had a wonderful time.
Blue Print |
I was out for a run one morning and was so pleasantly surprised to spot a doe nursing her fawn. I was able to get a couple of pictures before the doe spotted me and took off. Made my day.
Sidney went to a variety of other camps this summer. She went to a fencing camp that was a week long and most of each day. She swam in the evenings so it was hard to keep calories in her. She did a great job but did get a bloody nose during a warm up game that wasn't while fencing. Her little nose was swollen for a few days.
My dad makes friends with everyone |
Eclipse |
She also went to a camp about China where they learned some basic language, marshal arts, cooking, games, art and characters. She went to dissection camp where they dissected a worm, a frog, a sheep's brain and an owl pellet. That was interesting. And she went to camp an the Humane Society. They learned a ton of things about a variety of animals, not just dogs and cats, and helped out around the facility. It was a great camp. And she spent the last few weeks of summer sleeping on the bridge that goes over the entry to her room. She put a blanket over the rail and made a little tent and camp. It was cute and fun.
Terrifying bug |
I saw this terrifying bug on a hike. I was taken aback by the fact that the wasp killed the tarantula and was hauling its body off to somewhere to use to house its eggs. That freaked me out.
We volunteered at the Food Bank a few times and had a couple other swim meets. Swim season ended at the first of August and we needed a break. I was worn out taking her swimming six days a week.
Tired dog, tongue sticking out |
Fencing |
In the middle of August we headed up to see my parents. We spent time helping them out a bit before I took Sidney up to Denver to fly to Idaho to see Kirk. Denver was a great place to see the eclipse, which happened to be the day we were up there. Thanks to some friends we had two pair of glasses. We used them and shared them with a lot of people so they could see the eclipse also. It was amazing getting to 90% up there. I plan to see totality next time....
After we got Sidney loaded on the plane, my dad and I stopped at McDonald's. It was the highest tech restaurant I have been to. You ordered off of these huge touch sensitive screens and only stopped to see a person to get a cup for your drink. Even the drink dispensers were high tech except for the good old fashioned ice tea pots.
Eclipse |
I flew home the next day but not before a few bumps. My first flight was cancelled rather late in the evening. By the time I organized a new schedule, it was midnight. I headed to bed but woke up very sick at about 3 am. I couldn't even keep down water. I managed to get home but I was one tired and sick puppy. It took a few days to recover.
Shadow box my dad made |
Sidney had a really nice time with her dad. They went to the lake and just relaxed. She did say Kirk would try to put on her shoes and clothes if she left them out and would be puzzled when they didn't fit. It isn't a surprise that he would try to wear them. He is very unaware of anything except the very basic functions.
Sidney had her 12th birthday. And it was actually before school started. She asked for a calculator which was her big gift. She quite likes it.
Pillowcases Sidney and I made |
School has started. The last year of middle school. We started swimming Saturday and have switched back to our old team. I hope it it's the right choice. The other team was just too big and too much time. The schedule on the old team right now is 6 to 8:15 pm every weekday. It is just too much time and not enough coaching. We will see how being back on the old team is.
Rats apparently sleep like cats |
We made pillowcases during the summer for dear friends who are ill. They are sewn with love and prayer for comfort and healing.
Our prayers and thoughts are with all of our friends that have been affected by Harvey. We have many dear friends in the Houston area that have been affected. Like many we are sorting what we can do to help both now and in the long run.