Tuesday June 5
We drove to Houston after school and work. Sidney is missing two days of school. The last day plus an extra day to make up for the day school was cancelled while we were in Antarctica. We spent the night at a hotel where we could leave our car while we were gone and we could get a shuttle to the airport. It was a very good deal, only a few dollars more than just spending the night. However, upon our arrival I was informed we had no reservation. As it turned out, the reservation was for the next night. The very nice person at the desk got us straightened out and we got a barely adequate nights sleep before a very early morning.
Snail in the grocer |
Barcelona Gas Station |
Wednesday June 6
We did arrive safely to New York and had to take a shuttle from La Guardia to JFK (or maybe it was the reverse....). We had tons of time and had slept some on the plane so we
actually enjoyed the ride. While we were picking up other passengers for the shuttle at the first airport we saw the coolest little robot. I think it was part of security. Later that evening we boarded the longer flight to Barcelona.
Thursday June 7
Conure Apartment |
I don’t entirely remember what we had for dinner but we ate outside on the walking street. We were starting to turn into zombies since leaving so early the previous morning. After dinner we crashed.
Friday June 8
On Friday morning we went to a shop for breakfast and ordered cake thinking it was like coffee cake. It wasn’t, it was cake. It was good but sweet. The coffee was amazing.
Sagrada Familia is a large unfinished Roman Catholic Church designed by architect Antoni Gaudi. Groundbreaking was in 1882 and it should be finished in 2032. It will have 18 spires. Because the project is funded solely on private donations it has progressed in fits and spurts and impacted by wars. The church is very unique with unending character and meaning behind every amazing detail.
With the delay in getting into the church, the time fir the tour and free exploring, and the warm temperatures, I was at a near crash when we left to find lunch. I was way past hungry to the point of nearly passed out.
After we had lunch we took the hop on hop off tour. We saw wild conures in the trees, much of Barcelona and stopped at Park Güell. It’s a lovely active park with gardens and architectural elements and also designed by Gaudi. It’s filled with colorful mosaic walls and animals. It was lovely to walk through although steep.
Saturday June 9
We made our way to the cruise port and boarded the ship. Being that we had been on the sister ship and Aron hadn’t, we spent a lot of time dragging him around from the top to the bottom and end to end. It was fun to be back on the ship. We also got settled and had our lifeboat drill before getting dressed for dinner.
After dinner we went to a Disney Cruise original musical, Twice Charmed. The musical is a twist on Cinderella and a little two complicated to try to explain. It was very good though.
Sunday June 10
Sunday was a day at sea to just relax and enjoy the amenities of the ship. It also was a chance to rest before a busy four days although we didn’t know it.
However I did get a break later with a three hour spa, massage and facial. Such things make me almost go into a comma. After dinner at the restaurant themed from Rapunzel, we went to a shoe called Junk. It was excellent. The instruments were all junk and the artists were very entertaining.