And a little more. First, a couple of entertaining signs seen around the area. The first is a sign we saw a couple of weeks ago when we went up to the cabin. The warning underneath says something to the effect of "Gates Open Without Warning", referring to the floodgates that feed water into the lake the sign was near. The second sign is actually located right outside Kimber's current office. It is right beside an entry gate and basically warns against riding a bike under the closing gate.

Another site outside of Kimber's office is the maritime activity. She saw a submarine the other day, and also often sees cruise ships. This one was of particular interest, as it was apparently named after Sidney. It is the Crown Princess Hamilton.
And speaking of ships, Kimber is heading offshore tomorrow for the first time. She has to be at the airport to catch the helicopter at 2:30. She will be out until Thursday, and we depart on our trip to above the Arctic Circle on Friday. It will be a busy week.
Now for the weekend.

We met Jinni in town on Saturday and did a little shopping in the Sentrum. We had lunch at the Cheese House, then headed over to catch the ferry to Tau for a hike to Priekestolen. It is the most famous hike in the area, and probably one of the most famous sites in Norway. Priekestolen, also known as Pulpit Rock, is a 40 square meter block of granite that "hangs" above the Lysefjord, about 700 meters up. The view is wonderful, even though it was overcast with some mist when we got to the top.

The hike was not as difficult as others we have been on, but was a little too difficult for Sidney to do by herself. She ended up in the baby backpack for the entire trip up (protesting the whole way), and for about a third of the trip down. She quickly became attached to Jinni for the walk down as she "helped Jinni hike and Jinni helped her."

It was nice having Jinni with us to be able to share a little of our Nor-way-of-life with the hiking and such. She shared in a picnic at the top, as has become a common practice, and the difficulties of climbing trails and rocks with a 4-year-old. Jinni was very patient and is now the apple of Sidney's eye.
Sunday has been a bit more laid-back. We got up late and had a nice, leisurely breakfast and cup of coffee. We then went to pick up Jinni at her hotel so she could come over and do a little laundry. We had lunch and Sidney took a little nap while we all relaxed.

After Sidney woke up, we went over to Dalsnuten (one of our early hikes - the mountain is just over the fjord across from us.) Sidney did this whole hike (again with Jinni's assistance), and we had a nice time. One of Sidney's favorite parts of the hike was eating fresh-picked wild blueberries along the hike. Most bushes had ripe berries, and we saw several people out collecting them. We will probably collect some ourselves soon for the freezer and some yummy desserts, if Sidney will actually put them in the container instead of her tummy!
Now a little news about Kimber's office. It was announced about a week ago that her office will be moving from its current location in Stavanger to Hinna. In fact, it is moving into the building right next to our apartment building. Kimber's commute, as of January 1st, will be downstairs, out the door, across the courtyard, and into her office building. She will probably become spoiled by this.
We will try to do a post about Kimber's offshore experience before we leave for the North. Otherwise, we will try to take a laptop with us to do posts during our trip.
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