Well, not exactly. In true Norwegian form, there is a Norwegian version of Kit Kat called a Kvikk Lunsj (Quick Lunch.) Now, not to say they don't taste good, but I would hardly think that a candy bar like this would really be considered a "lunch." But in an attempt to promote their product as being "healthy" the Freia chocolate company has teamed up with the Norwegian Hiking Association. Packages feature a biography of a famous Norwegian hiker and a description and map of their favorite hike. Maybe the marketing execs at Nestle should think about this. Or even better, how about if beer companies teamed up with famous cyclists, etc.

On another note, we celebrated a Christingle service at church this morning. It is a service based on an old Moravian tradition where decorated oranges with candles and sweets on them are passed out to attendees. The oranges are wrapped with a red ribbon to symbolize God's love wrapping around the world. The candles represent the light of Christ coming into the world, and the sweets are arranged on four toothpicks representing the seasons, and symbolizing that God provides for us all the time.

It was a very nice service, and the kids especially enjoyed eating the sweets off the Christingles before the final hymn was even sung. And none of the kids set themselves or anything else on fire, so double bonus.

Christmas trees are popping up all over town now as well. This one is on top of the bridge going over to the islands on the east side of Stavanger. I have no idea how it stands up to the gale force winds we are experiencing this time of year.

And finally, here is a bonus picture for the grandparents and all the other Sidney fans out there!
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