The Dingxianghai left over the weekend, and a new ship arrived. It is the Skandi Bergen, and ROV/Service Vessel. It has a very nice shape to it. According to the company website, the ship is only a couple of years old.

Sunrises are becoming more dramatic, and the sun is actually coming up at a reasonable hour. We get the first indications of light around 7 a.m., and the best light just before 8 a.m. Here is a view of Dalsnuten from our balcony the other morning.
The snow is melting away slowly but surely. Our last snowstorm gave us several inches of very nice snow, and we were able to get enough for a couple of batches of snow ice cream. Here is the recipe:
About a gallon of fresh, clean snow
1/2 Cup Starbuck's Flavoring Syrup (we like Toffee Nut the most)
1/2 Cup half and half
Mix all ingredients by hand except milk thoroughly. Start adding milk, mixing by hand, until the mix reaches a smooth but thick texture. Best eaten immediately, but can be stored in the freezer and eaten as desired.

Sidney got a new book at school called "Look Out!". We just have to share this picture of Kipper riding his Big Wheel through the laundry line. Fortunately, Sidney did not ask for thong underwear like Biff seems to own.
We are looking forward to our trip to Tromso, but a little disappointed that the forecast currently is not conducive to us seeing the Aurora Borealis. Oh, well, at least we will have good dog-sledding weather!
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