Sidney had her visit with her teacher on Wednesday. She did get to see the queen, who waved at her. She didn't get to actually talk to her though. If she had, I am sure she would still be talking to her!

While Sidney was doing her thing on Wednesday, Kimber and I went up Dalsnuten with a couple of people from her office. They are actually here from Houston right now working with Kimber on one of her projects. And with the volcano erupting in Iceland, they are currently stuck here.
The volcano has also spread a thin layer of ash here. You don't notice it a lot, except on the surface of your car and other flat metal surfaces, or on your apartment windows that you just spend a few hours cleaning right before the ash started falling.

Before the volcano erupted, we did get the opportunity to see some fancy flying across the fjord. We watched a search and rescue helicopter do a high-angle rescue from one of the cliffs. We don't know if it was real or a training exercise, but if there was a person in the basket that they pulled up, they likely lost their lunch. The basket was spinning faster than a carnival ride as they pulled it up!

Yesterday we went for our first bike ride of the year. It was a little chilly and windy, but enjoyable. We rode from our apartment over to the sword monument and back. We got back just in time, for as we came in our apartment it started raining. Then, as we were looking outside in relief that we weren't getting soaked, it started snowing! It was only for a couple of minutes, but it was really odd to see it snowing when the outside temperature was 46 F.
Make sure and check in after tomorrow to hear about Kimber's big birthday surprise. Sidney has already given several hints, but Kimber doesn't know what it is!
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