Well, that was as close to a White Christmas we got this year, but more on that in a moment.
We haven't posted in a while because I have been working (yea!) and Kimber and Sidney have been doing the exciting stuff. Now that the holidays are over and we are back to what we consider "normal", I thought it would be about time to update everyone.

First, Kimber and Sidney did some traveling over the holidays. They left Houston and went to San Antonio, where they spent a day at Sea World. They caught the orca and dolphin show while there. From San Antonio, they drove up to our old stomping grounds in West Texas and saw the house I lived in in San Angelo, the house Kimber and I owned in Sterling City, and had dinner in Midland at Wall Street Bar and Grill (probably one of the best steak houses ANYWHERE!)

After a night in Midland, they headed west to Carlsbad Caverns, where Sidney earned her Junior Ranger badge and the two of them took in the spectacular formations. There are no bats this time of year, so they didn't get to see them leave the cave in the evening.

The next morning, they went through Las Cruces, home of Kimber's alma mater, New Mexico State University. Then it was on to White Sands, the beautiful dunes that dance their way across the desert, for some "playtime" for Sidney. She slid down the dunes, made "sand" angels, and generally had a good time. Unfortunately, this was as close as any of us got to having a white Christmas this year, as it did not snow in Colorado while we were there.
From White Sands, it was north through Santa Fe and on past the cabin Kimber's family built in Westcliffe, Colorado, before heading into Colorado Springs. I stayed in Houston and worked until Christmas Eve, when I flew to the Springs to join everyone.

We spent a very nice holiday with Kimber's parents and got to see many of the nieces and, sisters and others while we were there. The weather was quite temperate for this time of year, and we even spent Christmas afternoon at a park, which provided this view of Pike's Peak.

We also visited the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo (thanks to Julie for the guiding and helping us with all the animals actual names!) We fed giraffes, saw a porcupine up a tree, and Sidney got to pet a snake, proving that it isn't just her mom that lets her do that (Kimber just lets her play with poisonous ones.)
I headed back to Houston the Monday after Christmas so I could go back to work. Kimber and Sidney stayed in Colorado Springs a couple of more days.

One place they visited while there was Garden of the Gods, a beautiful group of rock formations on the north side of the Springs. In the first picture you can see the "Kissing Camels" formation on the top of the rock. It is named this because it looks like two camels laying face-to-face and kissing. Sidney also took advantage of the large open areas for a game of hide and seek.

Kimber and Sidney were going to travel north to Wyoming before heading back down, but the weather looked like it was going to take a turn, and Kimber had not felt well, so they headed home by going east through Kansas then south into Oklahoma. They spent the night in Oklahoma City and visited the National Memorial to the Oklahoma City bombing victims the next day.
They finally returned to Texas and we spent the New Year taking down and organizing the Christmas decorations.
We are now back at work, school and normal home life, for a little while at least. Kimber travels to Norway at the end of the month for a week. There is also a trip to Chicago coming up in the next couple of months which I think we will all do.
In the meantime, I will try to be a little better about keeping this updated, though our lives here are not as exciting as Norway.