First an update on Kimber's foot. It is doing much better. The pain is fine, now just dealing with swelling and lack of energy. I am hoping to go back to work for at least part days Wednesday and Thursday. I see the doctor tomorrow for the first follow-up. I can get around the house without a crutch but I still use the crutch when I am out of the house. Helps me keep my balance and gives me a break.
Sidney and Kimber went to visit Jinni in Cody in July. We flew up on Monday and unfortunately ran into delays leaving Houston so we missed the connection in Denver and spent 5 quality hours in the Denver airport. Sidney fell asleep on the Denver to Cody flight and I had to carry her off the plane, to he car, to the bed, etc. We stayed with Jinni most of the time in Wyoming.
Tuesday we went over to Yellowstone. We spent the day driving around Yellowstone, making the big loop. The first thing I noticed were the number of wild flowers and amount of water. It was amazing. It has been so hot and dry in Houston and it was just lovely in Yellowstone. Here is a picture of Sidney in front of Yellowstone Lake.
We found bison right away and saw elk shortly after. We also spotted some white pelicans which were also a surprise. Here is a picture of some bison hanging out at the picnic area and the elk we saw later.
We ate a picnic lunch and pushed on in our driving knowing we would have some time to revisit some areas on Wednesday. We stopped to look at a petrified tree and got to see a little black bear. He is in the very center of this picture.
That was a nice treat. We also walked around many springs and small geysers. We drove through a nice thunderstorm and then onto our lodge arriving at about 7 pm. Below are some pictures of the springs and geysers (which Sidney keeps calling geezers). The geography of Yellowstone is amazing.
Wednesday found us back tracking to Old Faithful. We made it in time to watch an eruption and walk around a bit. Here is a before and during eruption.

This helped keep our day from getting too long. After Old Faithful, we went back to some waterfalls we had seen the day before. Hayden Falls were full and lovely. They are a prime trout area where the trout are swimming upstream. If you look closely in the center you can see a trout.
There has been so much water that the river as up to the trail and spotting the fish was quite easy. We ate another picnic lunch and completed Sidney's Junior Ranger work. She is quite proud of having a Junior Ranger Badge from Carlsbad and Yellowstone.
We did more driving mixed with hiking, looking at a number of waterfalls and scenic overlooks. Sidney was a trooper. She would wear out then recharge. This is a picture of the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.
Here is also a waterfall we took many walks to look at from different views. One walk involved 340 steps. The same viewing area is on the right in both pictures.
We drove out of the northeast entrance so Sidney could go to Montana. On our way out, we saw a grizzly bear, a bison swim across the river, and a grey wolf. So I think we did quite well on the animal front. The pictures of the grizzly, swimming bison and grey wolf are below.
We stopped for gas in Montana so Sidney could put her feet on Montana soil. When we got out of the car it was concrete around the pump. I was tired and trying to rush and told her to get back in. Sidney told me that she hadn't stepped on Montana soil yet, only concrete. So we walked over to a bit of gravel and then moved on. We made the lovely drive back from Montana to Cody and fell exhausted into bed.
Here are two more pictures from Yellowstone. One is another spring and the other is the Mud Pots. Though they look different, they both smelled like "eggs with salt" according to Sidney.
Thursday was a more relaxing day at the Buffalo Bill Cody Museum. It is a fantastic museum and we spent the entire ay there. They have a large gun exhibit, Native American History exhibit, western art exhibit, Buffalo Bill exhibit and and great Yellowstone exhibit. The Yellowstone exhibit was Sidney's favorite and where we spent most of our time. In the afternoon, they have a children's activity outside. Wednesday was historic games like jacks, water bucket carry, a little bear to practice milking, and many other historic games. We played for a good hour. Below is a picture of Sidney trying to carry the buckets of water.
Friday found us White Water Rafting. We had a blast. It was so relaxing and fun and our guide was extremely competent and careful. He answered my many questions and brought us safely down the river. Here is Sidney on the raft. This picture was taken with a waterproof film camera so it is a bit grainy.
Unfortunately Sidney had been ill the night before. She was fine for the rafting but it burned her out. She fell asleep as we walked out of Jinni's office but she was wonderful while we were there meeting the people Jinni works with.
On Saturday, we went into town and enjoyed the day with Jinni and Dakota. We walked around and ate a nice lunch of bison burgers. Did a little grocery shopping and then went home and relaxed. Sidney and I went to the park and played a while. Then we had a pleasant girls night.
We walked back into town on Sunday, trying out a new jogging stroller Jinni had been given. It is all down hill into town and uphill back. We were hot and tired. And Dakota asleep. Here is a picture of Dakota after our walk.
We went out in the backyard in the evening and cut back many of the plants int he yard that had grown out of control. We also pushed down a small dead tree. Sidney did a great job keeping Dakota entertained. Jinni and I filled four huge yard bags of trimmings. But you could actually see out the windows.
Sidney and I were going to go on another white water rafting trip Monday but I woke up really sick. I was nauseated and vomiting and dizzy. Sidney fortunately went to Dakota's daycare for a few hours so I could rest. She was doing a great job taking care of me but I needed to sleep if we were going to get home that night. It was awesome that the daycare would let her come and more awesome that Sidney is so outgoing that she can have a blast anywhere and deal with such changes. I was really disappointed that we couldn't go rafting though. We were going to go on a more scenic and rapid trip with lunch. But oh well. We will try again sometime. Finally one more picture of Sidney from in Yellowstone.
Fortunately I felt well enough by the afternoon that I could get us home. But all I ate that day was 4 saltines. We finally made it home at a little after midnight on Tuesday. I left for Africa then at 1 pm Tuesday but those details will be in another post.
One other thing from our trip. Sidney and I wrote new words to one of Sidney's favorite songs from Norway. The tune is "If I Were a Butterfly" and the words are below about the things we saw at Yellowstone. Any one of us can sing it for you if you would like.
If I were a wildflower, I's thank you Lord for Your plentiful showers,
And If I were a White Pelican, I'd thank you Lord for the fish in my chin,
An if I were a grazing bison, I'd thank you Lord for my thick skin,
But I just thank you Father for making me me.
For You gave me a heart and You gave me a smile,
You gave me sunshine and You made me Your child,
And I just thank you Father for making me me.
If I were the Yellowstone River, I'd thank you Lord for my raging water,
And if I were a trumpeter swan, I'd thank you Lord for my beautiful song,
And if I were a little black bear, I'd thank you Lord I can play without care,
But I just thank you Father for making me me.
If I were a a Grizzly Bear, I'd thank you Lord for salmon jumping in the air,
And if I were the least chipmunk, I'd thank you Lord for my tasty lunch,
And if I were a hunting bald eagle, I'd thank you Lord that I am so regal,
But I just thank you Father for making me me.
We still have a verse or two to write. We need elk, raven, and grey wolf.