Sunday, April 5, 2009

Saying goodbye :(

The time has come for us to say goodbye to all our friends who have been part of our lives for the past four years. While we are excited about our future and the adventures to come, it is very sad to leave our friends in Findlay.

Sidney's last day of preschool was Friday. The teachers, many of whom have known her since she was six months old, started the tears flowing. Her friends, who have been her classmates since the Infant-One Level all gave her hugs and told her they loved her. The class made her a shirt with all their names and fingerprints to remember them by. Her school has been such an important part of her life, and we deeply appreciate all that the teachers, staff and her friends have done for all of us. The experience has certainly been integral in making Sidney who she is, and we have been more than pleased and surprised with her progress.

Our last day at church was this morning, Palm Sunday. Pastor Dan lifted us all up in prayer, and Matt had the choir sing "Gaelic Benediction" at the end of the service for us, the words of which are as follows:

"May the road rise up to meet you, the wind be at your back,
may the sun shine warmly on your face, the rain fall softly on your fields,
Till we meet again my friend, till we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand, may God hold you in the palm of His hand."

It was probably one of the more touching moments we have had. As we stood there listening with tears in our eyes, I thought of how many times I stood in the choir myself and sang that as both a regular benediction and for special occasions when others left for journeys such as ours. I also thought of how much this church has meant to us with all the love and support we've received, especially with Sidney's premature birth. I also know that everyone there has been part of Sidney's growth spiritually, as one of the first songs she could sing by heart was "Jesus Loves Me."

Lots more hugs, tears and well-wishes came from everyone, and Sidney shared lots of love with her "girls" at church. We cannot express how much we will miss you all.

Kimber's last day of work in Findlay is tomorrow. I know she will leave and feel like she could have done more. And I don't doubt she will continue to contribute, even if only through email exchanges with the group here. I am very proud of the professional growth I have seen her go through with this job, and I am sure it will continue in her new position.

Our last goodbye will be tomorrow night with Gerry and Mary Kay Mohr. They, more than anyone, have been what made our neighborhood so good for us. Since our first house-hunting trip to Findlay just over four years ago, they have been a part of our lives and tremendously important to us. They have been friends, surrogate parents, baby sitters, counselors, dinner partners, party planners, sounding boards, life savers, and so much more to us. We will have dinner one last time tomorrow night, and I am sure the tears will flow freely. The dinner will probably be BYOK (Bring Your Own Kleenex.)

The thing we continue to stress with them and all others is that we hope you will all visit in Norway! We will have room in our apartment, and can rent the bedroom downstairs for much cheaper than a hotel room. It sleeps four and has a private bath. As I will not be working for the time being, I am happy to serve as host and tour guide to Stavanger (once I get to know it myself!)

Pastor Dan talked this morning about the men that came to Jesus during his trip to Jerusalem. He said Jesus told one man to come with Him, to which the man responded "Yes, Lord, after I say goodbye to my family." Jesus said to him "No man can plow a straight furrow while looking backward." Jesus' point was that you can't look toward the future and live in the past. We will try to live for our future, not regret our decisions to leave this part of our life, and hope to meet all of you that have meant so much again. And until then, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

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