The flight over to Germany was long but uneventful, other than Sidney sliding down the seat all night and ending up on the footrest to sleep. While the seats lay almost all the way back, they still have a slight angle to them, and they didn't quite fit her little body (or ours, for that matter!) It took a few days to get adjusted to the time difference for us all, and sleep schedules are still slightly off.
While in Germany, we visited several places. One was Felsemeer, the sight of an ancient Roman quarry. Natural forces created an area where huge granite boulders rose to the surface, and the Romans used these to carve blocks and columns for buildings. It is now a great place to hike and climb over the boulders.

We also visited a "real" castle (as opposed to the Disney castle of a couple of months ago). It was built in the late 18th century, and was modeled after Versailles, but on a larger scale. It was amazing! I just wonder how the landscapers felt during the time of no lawn mowers.
We are in our temporary apartment, and will be here for a couple of weeks. Among the things to do today are getting a cell phone, picking up our air shipment (our bikes!) and getting a week's worth of laundry done. We picked up some groceries last night, so at least we have food. Two bags of basic groceries (milk, cereal, bread, cheese, lunch meat, etc. = $115).
We will post some additional pictures and info as we settle. Please remember that the old email address (kirkhamilton@woh.rr.com) is no longer effective. Please use the emails listed on the left side of this page.
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