While we were preparing for breakfast this morning, I noticed a new visitor preparing to pull into the dock next door. The Betty Knutsen looks like a processing ship or tanker, and by the looks of it, she may be here a little while. She is quite a bit longer than the last ship, but not quite as tall. Notice the tug boat in the lower left of the photo, though, to get a size perspective.

The weather has been a little strange this week. We have had rain and wind. There has actually been enough rain to make waterfalls flow down the mountains on the other side of the fjord. Of course with the rain comes rainbows, such as the one seen here. It almost looks like it is coming out of the building in front of ours. Notice the amount of light - this picture was taken at 10 p.m.
We have noticed a few things that are very different here. This is a growing town. Constantly growing. That means constant construction. That means constant road construction. Roads here are a little different in that they don't use poured concrete curbs. They use granite blocks about a meter long and 10 cm wide, usually about 15 cm deep. They take great care in placing these blocks, usually with one person that will level the blocks individually and ensure proper alignment. It seems to be a time-consuming process, but it looks nice when it is finished.
Therein lies the problem. They are never finished. It seems that as soon as they finish one section, they come along and rip part of it back up and do something else. The result is a very bumpy ride and lots of construction barricades.
They also seem to take things that look perfectly fine and redo them. At a grocery store where we shop sometimes there was a paver walkway that was level and looked pretty nice. Yesterday, we saw that it had been ripped up and they were putting asphalt in its place. I have no clue why they would do this.
I have also determined that the national bird of Norway must be the crane, as there are "cranes" everywhere. Construction cranes, that is.
We are traveling "inland" to the mountains this weekend and will have a post next week about our trip.
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