As Kimber works with lots of Brits, and Sidney and I are at the British School, we decided to take part in a truly British celebration on Saturday night. It was the British contingent's celebration of Guy Fawkes Night. This is a night when the British commemorate the attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament and King James I by Catholic traitors in what was known as the "Gunpowder Rebellion." Guy Fawkes was one of the traitors captured, tried for treason and beheaded (after a little stay in the Tower of London.)

Guy Fawkes Night is marked with a bonfire in which "Guy" effigies are burned, fireworks are set off, and sparklers and other kids things are available. The fireworks were actually pretty good. We also enjoyed the toffee apples, and Sidney had lots of fun with one of her classmates playing with sparklers and glow sticks. We went to the house of one of Kimber's coworkers (he is actually married to one of my coworkers!) and had a nice time socializing. (That is something we have missed somewhat here.)

We took it easy today, as it was a late night last night. We went over to the new office building where Kimber will be working as of January and played in the new playground there. Sidney had a nice time, and stayed nice and warm in her one-piece winter rainsuit. These rainsuits are a must for kids here in Norway, as they go outside and play at least an hour a day at school, no matter what the weather is like.

Finally, here is a new panorama featuring Kimber's new office building. The Marathon symbol is already in place.
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