Our shipment was delivered this morning, and we spent much of the day unpacking boxes and getting stuff into place. It looks like we were fortunate in that there was no major damage we have found so far to our goods, but we do still have several boxes left to unpack. Here is a picture of our container from Norway!
As far as the status of actually settling in, I guess it would be easiest to describe by room. The office, which is where I am, is about 90% done. The kitchen stuff is all unpacked, most of the dining room is done, and the living room is also almost done. The master bedroom and bath are mostly unpacked, Sidney's room is unpacked and mostly set up, the media room still has all the books to unpack, and the extra bedroom is about 90%. There are now several boxes to unpack and put away in the garage, and the "spare" room also has several boxes to sort yet. All in all, I would say we have done a pretty good job considering how much we have had come in and at different times from different places.
Kimber leaves tomorrow afternoon for two weeks in Stavanger, so much of her time tomorrow will be spent packing. At least we have the stuff from Norway unpacked that she will need to pack to take back to Norway. Confusing, huh?!?
More to come as we get settled, as well as pictures of the stuff in the house.
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