First small thing is that Sidney learned to tie her shoes. And ever so briefly tie shoes were preferred over flashy shoes. That lasted about two days. It really was easy to teach her, taking only a 15 minute lesson.
Second small thing. She has learned to swing by herself. She has always loved to swing and to swing high. That meant a lot of work for the pusher. Now she can propel herself as high as she wants. Next her mother will teach her to properly jump out of a swing. She is going to learn it from someone and it may as well be mom.

Third small thing. We have two new "pets". They actually live outside and will be with us only briefly. We came home from church with two monarch butterfly caterpillars last Sunday. One of the choir members brought them for Sidney and knowing we have the plant in our yard that they prefer to eat. They like butterfly weed and are working on ours now. They are two different ages. One will go into chrysalis in a few days and the other in about two weeks. They will each by in chrysalis for three weeks before emerging for their approximate three week lifespan as a Monarch butterfly. There is a popular book called "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". Well these guys eat constantly and grow daily. The larger one ate two leaves of his transport plant during the sermon. They also look the same front and back which Sidney finds entertaining. Hopefully we will get pictures when they go into chrysalis and if we are lucky, when they emerge.

Fourth small thing is that we have started doing a little painting around the house. We have been living with the contractor colors and now are starting to make it a little more ours. The first project were are niches in the living room and pillar and bar in the kitchen area painted a rusty red color. That will be followed by one kitchen wall of the same color to tie it all together. I think our bedroom will be next.
So the big thing! We just used some of our frequent flier miles to book tickets to Australia. We are super excited. We will be there for three weeks in late summer. Something we have talked about for so long is about to become reality! So we will keep you posted on how plans progress.
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