Well one caterpillar didn't make it and we thought we had lost the other one. The larger one just disappeared at about the time it should have formed a chrysalis. We talked with the friend who gave us them and she said the caterpillar will go quite away from the bush to form the chrysalis, sometimes half the distance of the yard. Well after a week of searching we were rewarded. We found this most lovely chrysalis on the fence. It is amazing. It appears you can see the wings forming. And you can also see where the caterpillar sewed the chrysalis together, the thin yellow and black line. So we wait now and hope to be so lucky as to see the butterfly when he or she emerges. I would guess we have about one and a half weeks until then.

Kimber has also been planning her and Sidney's trip to the Grand Canyon. We will spend two days in the St. George Utah and Zion Canyon area, two days in the Grand Canyon area, part of a day at Hoover Dam and a day and a half in Las Vegas. Kimber has the car arranged and half of the hotels. Still working on the other hotels and maybe a show in Vegas. Making progress. She and Sidney are excited.
Our lives are amazingly quite, but still busy right now. No travel for January. We will be visiting some friends beach house this weekend and it should force Kimber to cool her heels and let her food heal more. She now has some stress fractures and is exceedingly frustrated with the lack of ability to get on her feet fully. At least for now she can still bike.
Finally, Kimber thought you might like to see the building she works in. A friend snapped these pictures. The building is made of pink granite and it 41 floors. Kimber works on the 37th floor so there is a nice view. The Marathon Tower is one of the taller buildings in Houston. Houston buildings aren't tall because it is impossible to have sufficient footings in the soil we have here.
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