Wednesday, January 21, 2015

January 21

There really has been little changing in our lives. Kirk is still doing about the same at rehab and Sidney and I are in day to day. We picked Kirk up Sunday and went to the park. We brought Stormy and I packed a lunch for us. Sidney played at the playground for a while and Stormy got to go to the dog park. She and Sidney had fun there.

We tried walking a bit and Kirk dies very well on flat surfaces like sidewalk and flat crushed stone. But we tried some paths with mulch and that didn't go well. It is almost like he can't adjust his balance for any sort of abnormality under his feet.

We hung out in the backyard of his house for a while and brought Stormy in the back yard. She is a good dog. She was well loved and Kirk really likes her. I hope they will be good companions.

I had to haul the computer off to the Apple Store. That in and of itself was funny. It was cold and dark and the mall is outdoors. I didn't exactly know where the store was so I think I carried the silly thing around fir half a mile. I was a little tired. But it was the right move to take it in. It needed a new hard drive and all our back ups worked this time so at least we didn't loose anything else.

Sidney is still loving horse back riding lessons. Stormy and I take advantage of the relatively flat hills by the stable to run while Sidney is riding.

The Prius had a low passenger side rear tire a couple of times so I finally took it in. The car attracts nails. Nail removed, tire patched and tires rotated. Now the goal is to get the old Ford running.

Kirk still does not exhibit any moment to moment memory. Please continue to pray for that for him. He is also bored in the evenings and weekends so I am trying to come up with some ideas for him. I am going to take a recorder and some painting supplies to him. What ever we try has to be workable for him with his impacted vision.

Not sure yet what we will do this weekend. I think I'll try a full fledged store run with him. I might also try keeping him home longer, maybe through an early dinner. We will see.

Please pray for stamina for me and patience with me for Sidney. Thank you for your continuing support, love, and prayers.

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