Sunday, January 25, 2015

January 25

Just a quick post about yesterday's visit with Kirk. We went over and got him from Neurorestorative and then went to the store with a real list. The list wasn't terribly long but Kirk still had to walk the whole store. I didn't actually have him pick things out but he did push the cart and is able to maneuver it around without taking anyone out.

After the store we came home and had dinner for lunch. I made salmon, potatoes and asparagus. There wasn't a left over. He was picking at his teeth with his fingers so I asked him if he needed a toothpick. He said no, he needed a pencil (there was one on the table). I got him a toothpick and Sidney and I were talking at the table. I told Kirk several times not to eat the skin of the fish. I just caught out of the corner of my eye him using the toothpick to eat the skin. Lesson learned, take the plate away. Then he tried to eat the toothpick. He told Sidney to eat her flies, referring to her asparagus. He frequently realizes what he said was in error. And then has a laughing fit.

He was able to go upstairs to listen to Sidney play piano. Keeping him not restless is actually a lot of work. He can't do much independently so you have to watch him. I hope over time he will be able to say start laundry. He wants to help and be busy always. So now it is learning how to work with that.

He tells me he loves me many times when we are together. I think he doesn't realize he told me two minutes ago. He also asks how I am doing. He still doesn't demonstrate much memory. He was able to remember what we had for lunch for maybe an hour and then it was gone.

Sidney is still taking horse back riding lessons once per week. She is loving it. I am mostly hanging on. I am still fighting the computer. It is running but I can't get anything I want to work. Think I'll need more help.

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