Friday, May 21, 2010

The View

And no, I'm not talking about an episode of the she-woman man-haters club on television.

Living on the seventh floor of an apartment with other tall buildings in front and beside us, and having 27 windows, provides us quite a view. We can see the fjord, piers, mountains, the soccer stadium, parks, the NATO facility, and all sorts of other stuff. The other stuff makes things a little interesting sometimes.

We aren't the only building with windows. Now, I am not saying that we would sit in our apartment and spy on the neighbors with our binoculars. But if we happened to be looking out at the mountains and noticed something funny in our field of view, well, we can't help but notice.

Sometimes we don't even need to look through the binoculars. For example, our neighbor in the building next door has a habit of watering the plants on her balcony in her underwear. As she has not necessarily aged gracefully over her 75+ years, it is not a pretty sight in the morning.

We have also accepted the fact that we can be seen as well as we can see the neighbors. I have come up with a way to live with this, though. I just think of myself as being invisible, and it doesn't bother me as much.

Kimber bikes in a big race (80 kilometers, 2500 participants) tomorrow. We will post pictures if we get some good ones.

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