I actually was on Alvheim twice in August. I went out to meet with each crew and complete some process safety training as well as help out with the improvements we continue to make for process safety. Have I mentioned before how exciting this job is?!? How cool is it to commute to work by helicopter? Then to work on such a new and sensational project that has gone through the amazing transition from Maersk operation to Marathon operation! Alvheim or any FPSO is phenomenal to mean. Plus I have been involved in the beginning of the operation with the ability to apply what we have learned from other operations to Alvheim to truly make it the best and safest operation. It has been so exciting for me and I feel blessed by the chance I have had to work here on Alvheim in Norway and with all those I now count as my friends.
One of the times I was on Alvheim, I got to "shoot the ship", which was so cool. When the tanker comes to offload Alvheim, they must be connected. So the tanker comes to within 90 meters (which is really close by the way for this very large bobbing vessel) and gets connected. This is done by shooting a small line from the aft of Alvheim to the deck of the tanker. We use a small air gun which is attached to the rail and just fire, aiming for one side or the other of the tankers deck. And about the aim. It isn't like firing a gun. As I learned, twice, you don't always hit the tanker. Granted, it is hard to miss. My first shot went wide right. The second shot actually hit the deck, then bounced off. Surprisingly they let me shoot again. Although I know that since the bridge could watch on CCTV, there was much laughter on the bridge. So I made the third shot. So criminals every where, beware, I am a great shot! Can't hit a tanker. But I am so excited that I have gotten to shoot the ship. After the line goes across, a series of heavier and heavier lines are winched across, until the offloading hose can be sent over. It is really an interesting operation.
The other item of note for me was I completed the Stavanger half-marathon. I am relatively pleased with how I did. I ran the whole time and felt very food as far as fitness. I started at about a 5 minute kilometer and could easily have maintained this for the run except I started to have severe pain in my hips about half way. My legs and lungs felt great and quite energetic but my hips were a real problem. I finished in about 2 hours 13 minutes which I am not that happy with but it was my first 1/2 marathon and the weather was not great. About half the race was in rain.
The course was fine. About 1/3 was on trail and the rest asphalt. It was well marked and plenty of water available. There was only one section towards then end that I thought there was not enough traffic control. There were a lot of fast moving cars in one area, and tourists in another. I am sure I will try another 1/2 marathon sometime but I need to sort out my hips first. Oh, and congratulations to all the other Marathon marathoner's and 10K runners. Well done!
The next post will likely be our farewell to Norway. Although we are very sad to leave, we will always treasure out memories here and I for one will always think of our time here with a smile.
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