Thursday, September 23, 2010

A New "Routine"

We have now been in Houston just short of a week, and are settling into a little bit of a routine. Kimber goes off to work early in the morning, I take Sidney to school (about a 45 minute drive), and we come home in the evening and get ready for the next day. It sounds a bit boring, but all the stuff in between keeps it interesting.

First, Sidney is doing great in school. We got her enrolled on Monday. She had to get four shots before they would actually let her go to a classroom, so that was very painful (her words exactly) for her. She started out that afternoon in kindergarten (because of her age) but they started advancement testing immediately. By Tuesday morning, we learned she had passed the tests with flying colors and was being moved to first grade that afternoon. Way to go, Sidney, and way to go to all her teachers back in Stavanger! She is enjoying school and making new friends already, but misses her friends back in Stavanger still.

Secondly, we are getting ready to close on our house (tomorrow!) We have our final walk-through inspection this afternoon, but there will still be a few things that need to be done even after closing. Since we won't actually be moving in until some time in October, it isn't too big of a deal.

I have been getting some of the logistics handled, such as getting a refrigerator and a few other things we needed to buy. I have also been in search of cars for us, getting my Texas driver's license, library cards, etc.

Kimber is trying to settle into her job, as well as handle the phone calls and emails about the house. She did have an opportunity to eat at the "Chinese Hamburger Restaurant" - a local Marathon haunt - and described it as quite an experience. She had the chicken bacon cheeseburger, which is totally out-of-character for her, and said it was fabulous!

I am going to post an archive of Sidney's quotes in the blog itself. It is so I can get the formatting right for the publishing of our "blog book." There will be other changes taking place as well, since we are no longer in Stavanger. We have decided to continue blogging, since it is a great way to keep everyone from all over the world up to date with our lives. We would also like to keep the blog active so those moving to or living near Stavanger (or anyone else that is interested) can learn about our experiences there.

More to come soon!

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