Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day

This was to say the least a bit of a difficult Father's Day. Kirk has no concept of the day and of course no memory of anything you tell him. It has just resulted in us being a little sad. Sidney had a recital at an Assisted Living facility and there was a men's accappella choir. It was something Kirk was interested in and it made me think of his beautiful voice.

So I forgot to write about something that happened when I had to take Kirk tot he doctor two weeks ago. He kind of got mis-placed. He rode the van from Rainbow House down tot he Medical Center. The van was to arrive at the Health Science Center at 9 and I was there 15 minutes early. I waited for 30 minutes and started to panic. I called Rainbow House and they had put him on the van. I called the van place and they said that he was to be dropped off where I was. They said they dropped him off. In complete panic I went into the lobby and there he was. The staff at the clinic saw him and saw I wasn't there so they went and got him. My blood pressure was a little high.

Sidney went to camp at Mo Ranch a presbyterian camp near Kerrville. She had a great time. I was concerned about the adjustments she has had to make following Kirk's accident but she did fine and wants to go back. It was so much better than her first experience with camp a few years ago.

She had horse camp this week, 3 hours a day each day. She had some bumps with that in part to coming off the other camp high and adjusting to reality. We had a friend all week helping cart Sidney around and keep me in order. She was able to take Sidney to see Kirk twice during the week. I also decided Sidney needed to go back to swimming to get worn out because she was sassing me. But the pool was 35 minutes from the house in good weather. It happened that I ended up driving her there in an awful flooding rainstorm. We got there and she swam 2000 meters. My friend and I enjoyed the very nice gym and all was better. And it wasn't raining much on the way home.

I am taking a Spanish class. Two nights a week for three weeks, 2.5 hours each class. Its a lot to manage but I am learning and hoping to have a little bit of Spanish before getting to Peru. I am doing pretty good with nouns but struggling with verbs. I can make little cheats for nouns like cama is similar to casa and there is a bed in a casa. I know its silly but it is working. I have all my numbers and at least 75 nouns. We've also been conjugating verbs which I get but isn't easy to remember on the fly.

Speaking of rain will it ever stop. I know I am thankful but wet always.

Sidney is off to Grandma's this week. She leaves Tuesday and will be gone for about 3 weeks. I'll go get her from Houston when she gets back. She'll fly in there and spend a few days with friends and we will do some birthday stuff.

I am getting better at grilling. I have made steaks twice. Tonight's was the biggest sirloin ever. It was huge. I cut the t-bone off for a friend and cooked that to well done. The rest was medium to medium rare. I also made shish kabobs twice. They are pretty easy. And little mess to clean-up. However Sidney won't eat pork anymore. She is in love with a pig named Crispy Bacon and thinks pigs are brilliant. Hey, more bacon for me.

Parodies from 'Frozen'

for the first time in forever, it's not raining yet!
for the first time in forever I can fill the bird feeder without getting wet!
- Sidney (for the first time in forever)

don't let them in don't let them see
be the blue sky you always had to be
conceal don't feel
don't let them know!
well now they know!
let it rain!
let it rain!
turn away from the sun and storm!
let it rain. let it rain!
here i fly, in the height of the sky
so let the storm rage on!
the rain never bothered me anyway!
-  Storm Cloud (let it go)

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