Saturday, April 18, 2015

April 18

We took Kirk to see The movie Home with us today. He enjoyed each moment of the movie and even laughed himself to tears several times. But by the time we were to the theatre doors he had no memory of the movie. We did enjoy our time together and Sidney loved the movie and was very happy. We also got a few more things to his room. His name is on his door and all the drawers are labeled. I need to put a label on his medicine cabinet also because he doesn't know what's in there. So he can't find his deodorant, tooth brush or toothpaste.

Sidney is now swimming three days a week. Some days she comes out of the pool happy and others upset. She is getting faster but still needs to improve on technique, including breathing correctly.

I was very busy this week. I got to the lawyer to get a new will and power of attorney and to the group that will help me with the VA. I also heard from Social Security that his application is complete and got the paperwork completed for VA aid and attendance. I had a doctors appointment also.  And I repaired two sprinklers and planted 5 plants. Unfortunately I still have one sprinkler to fix. It's buried in a foot of mud. Oh and I got summer planned and partially booked for Sidney.

Today besides the movie we got gas, groceries, a goodwill drop off, a walk, the front porch and furniture power washed and the outsides of all the windows washed. No wonder I'm tired!

Sidney and I went to dinner at Olive Garden last night and had one of the best servers ever. He heard me say Sidney's name and then called her by name. He also showed her how to eat spaghetti with her spoon and fork. I stopped on the way out to let the manager know what a great server we had. He to,d us our servers dad died two days before. I hope he took peace from us. I told him several times how great he was.

This week I want to get a better plan for keeping up with Kirk. It is hard to get hold of him and I am having a hard time knowing how he is doing. He seems happy but that is based on a rare conversation or visit.

I miss him so intensely. Sometimes I am shocked at how fast and hard the sadness or longing or shock hits. We are normalizing and I don't like it but it's the new reality.

I do need help with something. We have boxes of baseball cards that need to be sorted for the few that might be of some value. Is there anyone who can help me with that? Thanks

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