Wednesday, November 12, 2014

November 12

Happy Veterans Day a little late to all of our veterans. Thank you for your service.

Sidney and I and our friend went to Natural Bridge Caverns on Sunday.  This was my first visit but Sidney's third or fourth.  The caverns are not very big compared to Carlsbad but they have some nice formations and good history.  Sidney's favorite part of the visit there now though is the maze.  They have a large maze made of panels and you have to find 4 letters as well as the exit to get out.  The letters are CALF.  Sidney isn't speedy but she had fun.  I think I might have to try it next time.

We got a few more things taken care of after our visit to the Caverns.  We got Kirk some clothes he will need in the coming weeks and groceries.  We took Mediterranean food to Kirk for dinner and actually sat down as a family to eat.  It was a little funny.  First we had to argue with him to come sit with us to eat. He was "tired".  Then he started on his salad and I think because his salad was in a separate container from his meat he couldn't eat both at the same time.  He had to finish all of his salad first.  I put dressing on his salad that came in the cup, but not all of it.  And I left the cup in the top half of the container in front of him.  He apparently thought it was medicine and drank it. I could not make him stop.  I guess anything that comes in a little cup needs to be taken.  He also ate the stem of his pepper. First he ate the pepper and left the stem in the top of the container.  But then he decided to eat the stem also.

After dinner we just sat around the table and then played a game called Left, Right Center.  I am not sure he got exactly what was up but he did know left and right and where to pass a token.  But I don't think he is able to process the words. I wrote I love You and did not get any sort of indication he could read it. But he can write at least some things legibly. While we were sitting though we were listening to music.  There was a drum section and he proceeded to match it perfectly with his hands as if they were holding drum sticks.  He has always liked drum sections.

The feeding tube was removed today and we officially decided and have insurance approval for Kirk to move to Neurorestorative on Friday.  I am getting things ready for his move over there.

Please pray for us. Kirk has not recognized me at all this week and that is so very difficult. Please pray for a change in him, a spark of real memory that he wants to grab onto and run towards. And pray for strength and peace for me.

1 comment:

  1. Steadily praying daily for Kirk. I know its difficult but hang on tight and don't let go. Kirk has always liked the drums. He played the drums in the school band growing up.
