Wednesday, February 4, 2015

February 4

Kirk got a room in the hospital a little after noon. He is in 5149 at University Hospital. He is still pretty sick. His fever isn't under control and we aren't sure the urinary tract infection is the cause of the fever. So they keep looking. They will continue the antibiotic and Tylenol and will keep taking cultures. It is more difficult to figure out what is going on because of the head injury.

He us clearly uncomfortable and mostly sleeps between shivering fits. Right now the estimated discharge date is February 8 but that's a guess I think.

Because he is back at the hospital he is being seen by neurology as well. They will be stopping his warfarin which was started to try to get rid of the blood clot that formed in the sinus vein in his brain following the accident. He has completed almost 4 months of treatment and they don't see a reason to continue.

I'll post anything I find out as soon as I can.

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