Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 10

It has been a more up and down day today. Kirk is off of the pentobarbital and back on ketamine and fentanyl. His ICP was good when he was still on the low does of pentobarbital but it shot up to 40, twice the maximum desired pressure, and with a really bad wave form (high middle peak) as soon as the pentobarbital was turned off. The middle peak was so high you couldn't see the other peaks. It gave me quite a scare. They raised the ketamine and the ICP was back to 10 but not the best wave form ever. At about mid-afternoon the ICP went back up to 26 and still a high middle peak. That is where I can leave off. I will put up another short post tonight with details of where we are in control of the ICP.

Everything else on Kirk is about the same. His primary care is working the ICP. They are still controlling his temperature low and have him positioned to try to lower the ICP. So we haven't gotten off the roller coaster quite yet but I am really hoping we can get control with the ketamine and stay off the pentobarbital.

Sidney and I are doing fine. We need a mediator from time to time. We did piano lessons last night and then had dinner at home with my folks. This morning we found a little toad on the door step when we went to put out the flag. I am going to the store tonight on the way home and we will have dinner with my parents again. I need to sort out smoke detectors tonight, or better put get help with that task. I think one started beeping low battery in the middle of the night but I don't know which one.

1 comment:

  1. That all you need is a dang beeping smoke detector. You say it so would be the brink and edge for most anyone going through what you are going through!
