Saturday, September 6, 2014

September 6 Update 2

Kirk's family came up to the ICU at about noon and since I had been here all day and night I needed food and a Sidney refill. A friend from Houston is visiting for the weekend so we stopped and ate and then headed home for a few hours. When I left Kirk appeared to be in the same shape as he had been once the ICP was controlled overnight. They also had started some nourishment into his stomach. Which the nourishment smells foul and contains maybe 40 ingredients including sardine and anchovy oil. Nasty!

And then the scariest moment since Monday occurred. Kirk's family called me and told me to come back to the hospital immediately. Of course I panicked. There were no details, just to come.

Our friend drove me back and the doctor met with me to fill me in. Kirk's ICP spiked higher than it ever had to a very dangerous level and it did not respond to any of the treatments he had responded to before. We had reached the last possible medical intervention, pentobarbital. All of us were terrified. We talked again about the possibility of a surgical intervention while they were preparing Kirk for a CT. It just isn't a viable option that could be successful.

Our first good news came though. The doctor came and told us that his CT was better. Much of the swelling of his brain had diminished.  I asked to see the CT and I could see a difference immediately in the ventricles in the center of the brain. I could also clearly see the two lobes which was not possible before.

I can't tell you how scary those two hours were. I was afraid again that we were at the end. This drug has to continue working. They are still cooling him, giving him some of the other drugs and Tylenol. They are now having to raise his blood pressure because the pentobarbital.they are using norepinephrine.

I am going home tonight. I needed last night but I also need to sleep. Sidney and I have to make it through a 5 day week this time so I need to stock my reserves.

Tomorrow is Sunday. I will spend the morning with Kirk and the afternoon with Sidney if everything is stable. I am counting on those compacted prayers, one on top of the other starting in Norway and working around the globe tomorrow. Bless you all. Thank you all.

Kirk's family will leave tomorrow. Mine have made it to San Angelo from Colorado Springs and should arrive tomorrow. I am anxious for them to get here safely.


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