So today could be a huge day of change. We are moving to the Long Term Acute Care facility today. He does a little more every day although sometimes doesn't repeat what he was doing. He hasn't given me a kiss today but he is trying to move his arms more and even his legs some. He also continues to improve on localizing to pain. He turned his head to look at me today and is trying to lift his knees. If the day's activities allow he will get a CPAP trial today as the next step to get him off the vent. Otherwise we are staying level. I will put up a post this evening with all of the new bed and location information.
So this isn't the best picture ever but Sidney and I finished our Lego model of Marathon's Brae Alpha Platform. We will take a short break to work on the pop-up book before we start East Brae. The only one that will be missing from our collection is Brae Bravo. There weren't anymore of those models when I bought the other two.

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