Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 11 Update 1

Kirk had a rough night with high ICPs resulting in him halving to be put back on pentobarbital. He is back on at 1 mg/Kg/hour and that is controlling his ICP below 10 with a nice wave form.

There are other things happening in his body due to the amount of time he has been on sedatives and other drugs.  He is needing insulin regularly and has been put on an insulin pump.  This is common for traumatic injuries or major surgeries.  He needs the pump now because he is getting nutrition via IV resulting in his blood sugar staying high. 

He is also getting synthroid, thyroid hormone replacement, because his thyroid is either injured or sleeping soundly now.  This really isn't a big deal overall but it is something that needs to be controlled to not put any more strain on his body.

And he is likely to start a medication I actually take and which is very uncommon.  It is called Desmopressin Acetate (or DDAVP) and is used to control the sodium content of the blood.  His sodium is high, which to some degree we want to pull water from his cells, but he is also dumping water which indicates he needs that drug. Normally the pituitary, a small gland inside the head under the brain, secretes the required hormone based upon its own sodium test, telling the kidneys to hold or release water.  Again because of the sedation or injury that may not be happening for him.

His face looks better every day. His eyes are much less swollen, even his whole face is less swollen, and his raccoon eyes are fading.  And he is about to get a shave, at least of his mustache.  He has so much facial growth that the tape around his air tube won't stick anymore. 

I have not watched the news or been on-line in 11 days now.  I generally don't have any idea about what is happening in the world.  But I do know today is 9/11 and I hold in my prayers all the families who have been down the road I am on or who lost loved ones so many years ago today.

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