Sunday, September 7, 2014

September 7 Update 1

Kirk had a very stable night. His ICP stayed under control all night.  There have been no significant changes during the night or this morning.  They are now trying to lower the pentobarbital while controlling his ICP. He was at 2 mg/Kg/hour over night and this morning.  He had been lowered to 1.5 and his ICP came up so we are going back up. We are dancing on a balance beam. I visited with the doctors this morning and we are just in the waiting game. This is day seven so hopefully the next few days are less of a roller coaster and more of a slow moving log flume ride. Not the same level of excite but slow and steady movement.

The doctor explained more about the healthier ICP pressure wave and that Kirk's wave more matches that wave form now than it had.  If I can figure out how to get it in here, the drawing I mean, I will do that.

He is still on a cocktail of drugs. He is on the pentobarbital, fentanyl, norepinephrine, tylenol, potassium, hepra, antibiotic, anti-seizure and antacid. The goal is to manage what needs to be managed with the minimum amount of drugs.  So they get adjusted regularly to find a good spot. His temperature is still being maintained low, around 90F, although he still also has a fever.

His nurse to today is Mesha. His nurse last night was Allison.  They are as fabulous as all the other nurses have been.  I have to admit that the pumps and pipes are cool to me. I like to see the different ways the nurses manage the pipes or the tubes. Each has their own system to keep the tubes, of which there are 10 or so at any one time, under control. Yesterday a small cup, like you would take cough syrup with, was taped to the bed rail above Kirks head to make sure the tubes stayed up there. Today a tough depressor is taped vertically to the bed rail to contain all the tubes. We will see what the next nurse does.

So Kirk isn't the only patient here.  Although I am obviously centered on Kirk I see the other families waiting and wondering just the same way I am.  There are also patients that don't have the support we are blessed with. Please will you hold them in your heart and prayer also.  All of these people are experiencing one of the worst events of their lives.

I will be spending the afternoon at home today. I need to get a few things done around the house, get Sidney ready for the week and just breathe. My stalwart friends are coming over to help me get a few things that are harder to do as one done.  I will never be able to thank them enough for their help.

Kirks parents are leaving at noon. I know that is a hard decision but we will need help later. Right now we are in a holding pattern and they have things they need to take care of. My folks will be here tomorrow.

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