Tuesday, September 16, 2014

September 16 Update 2

Things are changing so much more quickly now that I am afraid of the speed. They are weaning Kirk off of the Ketamine slowly with the goal of having him off before noon tomorrow. He has been off the pentobarbital for more than 24 hours. He is on a pain medicine drip now so hopefully he is more comfortable than when I left the hospital earlier today. He is also on a different, more normal ventilator setting and seems to be doing fine handling that. The only thing that didn't work today is clamping his ICP outlet. He just didn't tolerate that and his ICPs worked up over the morning. So he was opened up to drain again. I am sure we will try again tomorrow.

Kirk still has a lot of work to do to get better and we can help him but he has to do the most work. There will be still a lot of pain to endure and changes to adjust to. Sidney and I will walk beside him all that we can.

In other news, I took Sidney to an eye specialist this afternoon. Both of her eyes drift significantly and she can't consistently control them. The result is that she isn't using both of them all of the time both straining her and causing her to not have good depth perception. I have been expecting to hear the news we got today which is that she will require very minor surgery to fix them. At her age patching and other treatments aren't effective. Bless her sweet heart, braces and eye surgery in one month. But it will be wonderful to see her using both eyes in a way that is healthy.

Please continue your prayers tonight for guidance to the doctors and me in the decisions we will make in the coming days and for strength in Kirk's mind and body.

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