Thursday, September 25, 2014

September 25 Update

There has not been a real change in Kirk's condition in the last 24 hours.  He is still fevering but not quite as high as before. No other cultures have grown anything besides his lungs. His oxygen saturation still fluctuates based on position and how much he gets irritated.  He doesn't like to be suctioned or laid flat so those things cause him to de-saturate a bit.  The antibiotics continue but they are going to further test the lung cultures for resistivity to the antibiotic to make sure the bugs aren't resisting.  His chest x-ray did look better again today.

He is on fairly low sedation through his IV but is receiving plenty of sedation orally.  (And if you are Sidney you question how he is receiving oral medication through a feeding tube that goes straight to his stomach.  The practicality of a child.)  Regardless he is pretty out so he really isn't doing anything on command.  We are trying to walk a line of minimal sedation but not making him work hard to breathe.

The MRI of his bed sore shows that no surgical intervention is needed for the sore.  It isn't deep enough to cause his fever. So our holding pattern continues. 

If there is no significant change tonight I won't put up another post. 

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