Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September 30

Kirk did fine overnight and indicates to me with a head nod that his care is OK. That is what I have been most worried about with the transition. He also indicates to me that he is not in pain. He is pretty awake this morning which is good because there is a lot going on. Since he is new at the LTAC he needs to be seen by every specialty. So this will keep him busy but also help the staff get a plan together to move him forward. He will stay in the ICU at the LTAC facility until they have proven to themselves he is stable. They will also try to wean the vent here. So he shouldn't move to a regular room for at least a few days, which makes me feel better.

Visiting hours are strict though. They are 9 am to 11 am, 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm, 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm and 8 pm to 9 pm. So I am going to work my schedule around these hours as much as possible but will need help in the afternoons. The 4:30 to 6:30 pm hours might be good times for his co-workers to visit. I will of course leave the guest book and would ask you call me at the number listed in it when you visit and provide any medical feed back.

All visitors need to use hand sanitizer before they enter the room or wash hands immediately upon entering. Kirk does not need to get sick and we are entering flu season.

I would guess my posts will get less technical and more about his physical condition. He should finish the last antibiotic today and hopefully be off the heparin soon and just on the Coumadin which is oral. They also may not continue to happen every day. This should be the only post today. Of course if something drastic changes I will post.

He will nod to some yes or no questions and he is looking around a lot. He is trying to move all his limbs but it isn't coordinated yet. Hopefully getting more time along with physical therapy will get him moving.

Thank you for all of your contiued support. Kirk has some serious work to do now.

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