Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 13 Update 2

There really wasn't much excitement for Kirk this afternoon. No significant change in medications today. Leaving his ICP open to measure versus drain did not work. His ICPs increased above 20 but decreased immediately with opening the drain. There is very little drainage but he needs just that little bit to maintain ICP. He is still getting warmed very slowly. Pentobarbital is still at 0.5 mg/Kg/hr. He has not had the ultrasound yet. Other than continuing to warm him, nothing should change tonight.

I stopped at a Long Term Acute Care facility on my way home this afternoon. It is the first one I have looked at and it seemed fine. It is very close to my office and on the edge of the medical center closest to home. I think I would be fine with Kirk going there but I am going to look at one more facility if not two. This type of facility can provide near ICU type care once Kirk is stable. He will not go there with pentobarbital or anything like that so we are probably a week or more away from a move, pending getting controlled ICPs without pentobarbital and possibly getting this clot dissolved. This facility bridges the gap between ICU and an intensive rehab facility.

After my visit I came home and ran. That is very self serving but I needed 35 minutes of high heart rate and fast breathing to recharge my batteries. It was cool and windy today so I had a strong head wind going out but a nice tail wind coming back.

My folks joined us for dinner. My dad took care of a couple of to do's and then grilled some steaks. They also brought my four potatoes that would have rotted without our big eater, back as potato soup in containers and my spaghetti squash all ready to spaghetti. Tomorrow they need to take all but 3 of my eggs. I don't eat eggs and Sidney can't eat 10.  This may seem nonsense but I hate to waste food and had just gone to the store buying for three the day before the accident. Kirk eats as much as Sidney and I combined.

I have a plan for next week which is a big step for me. I am finally moving from just hanging on to moving our little family back forward. I can't do it alone though and I thank all of you for your continuing support in the many ways I feel it and the ways that I don't even realize.  I even have our meals planned and a very short and manageable grocery list.

I won't be going to church again tomorrow. I am very sad about that but I still need to meet with the doctors every morning to discuss and understand what the day will bring. Although Kirk is stable, he isn't far enough along for me to not be involved in a significant way each day.


  1. Dearest Kimber - Keep holding steady and strong. You're doing a fabulous job for what you've been up against. It is good you are getting some exercise and other healthy/normal moments in about this chaos - it will help you stay strong over the long haul. A few days back you commented how perplexed you were about the cause of the accident. It might be worth checking if it were a storm drain. I bike commute to/from work. I took a different route one day in June this summer and a storm drain caught me unawares. In seconds, my front tire was in the drain and I went head over handle bars toward the ground. Nothing but my head caught my fall. I'm rooting for Kirk's improvement each day and sending you and Sidney gigantic virtual hugs!
    Love, Alexis Troschinetz, Minneapolis, MN
