Tuesday, September 16, 2014

September 16 Update 1

Kirk has been off pentobarbital for 18 hours. The full effects will take 5 days to go away. However his ICP has been under (sometimes barely) since taking him off. He is on ketamine as his sedation right now. His ICP monitor is clamped meaning it isn't draining. It is being measured continuously. This is a step towards getting the monitor removed. And then moving on to other treatments. We need stable ICPs while clamped and off pentobarbital to get the ICP monitor removed.

We are also raising his temperature to just barely below normal and he is off the EEG, yeah. He has shown no signs of seizure activity. Everything is indicating he is coming off the pentobarbital, like his blood pressure and pulse coming up. 

Yesterday's ultrasound shows several blockages in various veins, probably from being unable to be moved for so long. These could affect his central line so they will be watched.  They are going to do ultrasounds of his lower extremities to make sure his femoral line is protected. 

The doctors are going to data mine all the information they have about his reaction to the anticoagulant. Hopefully they will have an answer tomorrow. The surgeons were also here to look at placing his tracheostomy and PEG (feeding tube directly into his stomach). His vent settings may prevent placing a tracheostomy right now. They are also going to get an X-ray of his belly to make sure everything looks good there because he is distended. 

So the news we have waited for. We need to start to wake him up. I am terrified and excited. He is already showing respiratory effort and reacts ever so slightly to painful stimuli. They will try to get the ketamine off as they can, and replace it with pain medicine. We will likely be walking a tight rope of comfort versus treatment trying to balance taking care of his mind and body. 

I will put up another post later today or tonight. Your prayers are moving us all forward. Thank you so much. 

I also can't wait to tell Kirk how many students have learned things from him and he didn't even know it.

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