Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 21 Update

Kirk is fighting a lung infection this morning. It is pneumonia with staph. He is really working hard to get enough air.

We had to unclamp his drain at about 5 pm last night because his ICP went above 20 and stayed there. So we are trying to clamp it again today. He is also more sedated today in part due to the difficulty breathing and fever and also due to ICP. He is receiving oral sedatives so we are going to try to work down IV sedation again while trying to keep him comfortable.

Kirk is going to receive a unit of blood because his hemoglobin is low. That should also help his oxygenation. For right now, the fever and lung infection are the highest concern. Until we get the infection under control and fever down, he isn't going to be comfortable enough to lower sedation and try further neurological exams.

Sidney and our friend from Houston made buckeyes last night for the nurses. The nurses are now good and sugared up. Sidney and our friend are going to Natural Bridge Caverns this morning. Sidney will come by and visit her dad after the cavern visit.

Again I don't think there will be another post today. We are just in a holding pattern right now. Tomorrow starts week 4 since the accident. Sidney and I are hanging on as best we can and appreciating the support we are getting. We really do need it. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about the lung infection. Are his ventilator settings still low or did they have to turn his oxygen back up? Glad to hear for the holding pattern... Holding pattern can be a good thing. I'm sure the nurses appreciated the buckeyes. Sidney sounds like a sweetheart!! :). Thank you for the updates
