Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22 Update 2

Although the day started out with the positive of removing the ICP monitor, it was a rough day for Kirk. He is really fighting one or more infections. We know about the pneumonia and are treating that but we also think there is something else somewhere that we aren't treating. He is very feverish and then has high and low heart rates and breathing rates. He is heavily sedated right now because he is so miserable with fever. He had a CT of his head, chest and abdomen but we don't yet have the results. We are re-culturing everything but those take days to grow. He is already on the maximum dose of Tylenol. This is our big and serious fight right now. We can't move forward again until we win this battle.

The ophthalmologist was also in to look at his eyes again. His right eye looks pretty good but his left eye ball has kept what looks like a very large blood blister on the eye ball. Apparently they punctured that today to drain it and now want his eyes to be taped closed with lubricant in them to keep them moist and help them heal. Right now he is so sedated that he really isn't opening them.

In other news Sidney had a lockdown drill at school. When I was in school we only had tornado and fire drills. It breaks my heart that our kids have to learn how to respond to dangerous man made emergencies in elementary school. But I am also glad that the school is trying to be prepared. I did get lots of questions about the drill and our safety.

Please pray tonight for the infection source to be found and treated. Pray for non feverful rest for Kirk so that we can start to try to let him out of his coma.

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