Wednesday, September 3, 2014

September 3 Update

Kirk is feisty this morning. They are trying to minimize his sedation but also not let him get agitated. They are also working hard to control his blood pressure. He gets very irritated at everything, having his teeth brushed, taking his blood pressure, and washing his face.

Kirk was admitted at Unknown Oros Male. Because I was not with him and he couldn't say his name, the computers assign him a name. I would love to see his real name on everything but it apparently takes forever.

He has a fabulous nurse this morning. Kesha is taking super care of him. She has washed his face and brushed his teeth. She keeps me involved with everything.

His mom and dad as well as aunt and cousin arrived last night. They came to see him last night.

I have just met with the doctors. They showed me his latest CT scan. He still has a significant amount of swelling and some new bruising. His pressure in his head is still OK. His blood pressure is high. They are going to continue the same medications and plan. He will also have the EEG today. That will show the extent of any seizure activity.  Otherwise the waiting game continues.

Sidney did swim lessons last night and a wonderful colleague brought us a casserole for tonight. I will just spend time loving on Sidney tonight.


  1. I grew up here in Waynesboro with Kirk and his family. We are the same age and attend the same church here. I am also in the choir here at First United Methodist Church with his parents. Our thoughts and prayers are with each of now and during his recovery.

    Ginger Mobley Jenkins & Hannah

  2. To me this is great news that he is having reactions to stimuli.

  3. Praying for your speedy recovery brother!
