Saturday, October 11, 2014

October 11

Sidney talked to Kirk twice today on FaceTime. He did pretty good both times. He said "hi baby" and "I love you" both times. The second time they talked, she showed him how to touch his tongue to his nose. He could do it and we were both thrilled. So silly but happy and our happiness worked into his fog. The heparin is off which is the last IV medication. Everything else can be taken orally. We will keep his central line at least until he moves to rehab.

So he talks a lot now. Almost all of the time I am there. He says complete sentences and long words but the thoughts have nothing to do with what is going on. He does occasionally match his words in odd ways to what is happening. For example the nurse was giving him his medications this evening and he said that you take medicine once daily or twice daily. 

He hates the things that are attached to him. He doesn't like EKG leads, blood pressure cuffs, and the oxygen sensor on his finger. But the oxygen sensor detached at the connection today and he really tried to reconnect it. He knew how to attach it and got really close to success before getting frustrated. 

We went to the store and got gas as well as stopping to get pumpkins this afternoon. And I made dinner again. I made salmon with dill and cucumber sauce, stuffed mushrooms, and edammame . It was fabulous.

Sidney has her girl friend from Katy for a couple of days. Her eyes are recovering although she complains about not being able to swim. She also got carried off by mosquitoes last night and has at least 20 bites. Some are really welted. Poor baby.

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